Access tailored, effective mental health support
Carecoins is a new way to access tailored, effective mental health support. Carecoins operates as a pay as you go service; you purchase however many coins you want, and call them off against one to one counselling and therapy, couples therapy and group therapy. You can also call them off against mental health training, live events and more.
Carecoins counselling and therapy can be provided face to face (in the UK only at this time), or remotely via telephone or video session from anywhere in the world. There’s no subscriptions, no hidden fees, you just top up as and when you need to, and access the right support for you, as and when you need it.
As a Cavalry community member, you can choose between three plans: Standard, Premium, or Premium+ Maternity:

Benefits Details:

Global Pricing:

About CareCoins
At Care Coins, we set out to make a system that guarantees the most effective EAP without paying for non-usage, and getting the preventative as well as the reactive services you need when you need it.
Mental Health First Aid in the workplace is an important part of the workplace strategy, but all too often, companies engage in this procedure, but fail to follow up with support and effective monitoring.
We are committed to putting all profits and donations into our Care Coin pot which supports those less fortunate.
Our bottom line is your wellbeing.