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Got questions about freelancing or how our platform works? You're in the right place. Dive into our FAQs to find answers to all your burning queries. Whether you're a freelancer looking to expand your horizons or a company keen to hire top talent, we've got you covered here.

But hang on! Even the sharpest minds can misplace a question or two. If your query is still MIA, drop us a line here and we’ll help you out.

General questions about hiring freelancers

Thinking about bringing freelancers on board? Smart move! But let’s make sure they’re the right fit for your gig. Start by asking yourself some key questions: Do your projects need specialised skills or some extra flexibility? Looking to optimise your budget whilst tapping into top-notch talent? Freelancers are your ticket! They offer a cost-effective solution, bringing niche expertise to the table without the commitment of permanent staff. With their flexible work arrangements and diverse skill sets, freelancers can level up your projects fast and drive them to success.
Timing is key when it comes to assembling your A-team. So, when should you bring in freelancers instead of hiring full-time staff? Well, picture this: you’ve got short-term projects with fluctuating workloads or need specialised skills for a limited time. That’s where freelancers shine. They’re like your on-demand experts, arriving precisely when needed without the long-term commitment. Plus, if you’re testing new waters or need extra hands during busy seasons, freelancers offer flexibility like no other. So, if you’re ready to scale up your projects without scaling up your payroll, it’s freelancers all the way.
Let’s break it down: With freelancers, you’re waving goodbye to hefty salary packages, benefits, and office space costs. Instead, you’re paying for what you need, when you need it – no more, no less. Plus, think about the overheads you’ll save on things like training, taxes, and equipment. It’s like getting a top-notch team without breaking the bank. So, if you’re all about maximising efficiency while minimising costs, freelancers are your wallet-friendly MVPs.
Ah, maximising your freelancers’ potential, a topic close to our hearts. Here’s the deal: treat them like part of the team, not just the cavalry coming in to save the day. Include them in those internal team meetings and projects, giving them a front-row seat to your business’s inner workings. The more they know, the better they can deliver. And hey, don’t forget the power of personal relationships. Take the time to get to know them, show genuine interest in their work, and watch the magic happen. After all, a happy freelancer is a productive freelancer, ready to conquer any project you throw their way!
Paying your freelancers is an essential part of the freelance dance. Here’s the lowdown: Payment requirements can vary based on where you or your freelancer are located. They’ll typically provide you with invoices containing all the necessary details. But before the work kicks off, make sure you’re both on the same page regarding payment terms. Additionally, it’s a good idea to check what payment methods the freelancer accepts. And if you want to keep things extra simple (who doesn’t?), consider using freelancer management platforms that manage freelancer payments for you – Cavalry Payroll neatly wraps up all the financials for you. Having a streamlined payment process means you can focus on what truly matters: getting the job done and keeping those freelancers happy!
Team meetings, decision-making… you’re certainly not alone asking this question. Short answer? Yes, absolutely. Long answer? Well, there’s a balance to strike. Including freelancers in team meetings and key decisions not only boosts collaboration but also gives them a deeper understanding of your business goals. It’s all about making them feel part of the team, right? However, there might be some discussions that don’t require their input. Use your judgement and involve them where it’s relevant. After all, happy freelancers mean better work outcomes and smooth sailing for all involved!
Treat it just like any other job interview! Dive into their experience pool: Does it match your project needs? Ask for samples of their previous work to see if it aligns with your style and expectations. Check out their reviews and ratings (if they have any) and portfolio to gauge their professionalism and reliability. Don’t forget to chat with them too – communication is key! A quick video call can often reveal more than a hundred emails. Trust your gut and go with the freelancer who not only has the skills but also feels like the right fit for your project’s vibe and/or your business more generally.
We like your thinking! Crafting a great project brief is like setting the stage for an award-winning performance – the clearer the instructions, the better the show, right? Imagine you’re explaining your project to someone who’s never heard of your business before. Start with the basics: What’s the project about? What are your goals and expectations? Why is this project important to the business? Be detailed but concise, and don’t forget to include any specific requirements or preferences. Remember, the better your brief, the better the responses you’ll get. So, put yourself in the freelancer’s shoes and ask: Would I understand what’s expected if I were them? This should guide you in finding your sweet spot. (If in doubt, check out our guide to writing a good brief here).

General questions about freelancing

Considering the freelance life? It’s not just about working from trendy cafes and enjoying flexible schedules (although those are perks!). It’s about owning your time, your projects, and your career path. If you thrive on independence and adaptability, if you’re a self-starter who knows when to ask for guidance, freelancing could be your calling. Sure, it comes with its uncertainties, but that’s part of the thrill – each project brings new challenges and opportunities for growth. So, if you’re ready to embrace the freedom and creativity that freelancing offers, you’re in the right place.

If you’re thinking about diving into the freelance world, you might be wondering if you need to go all out and set up your own business. Well, the short answer is: not necessarily! Let’s break it down.

Many freelancers kick-start their careers as sole traders. It’s the no-fuss, no-frills approach. You operate under your own name, keeping things simple and straightforward. Plus, tax time is a breeze – just file your freelance income and expenses alongside your personal tax return. However, being a sole trader means you’re personally responsible for any business debts or legal liabilities that may arise.

Now, if you’re thinking long-term and seeking more protection, consider forming a separate business entity, like an Limited Company or Ltd. (Limited Liability Company). This route offers a shield between your personal assets and your business liabilities, reducing your risk exposure. It also adds a professional touch to your freelancing game and might even come with some tax perks. But, of course, it does come with its fair share of administrative tasks and additional costs.

So, whether to set up your own business boils down to your freelancing journey’s specifics. Are you in it for the long haul, aiming to build a brand and protect your assets? Or are you dipping your toes into freelancing waters, preferring to keep things simple for now? As always, it’s a good idea to chat with a legal or financial expert to weigh your options and chart the course that best suits your freelancing aspirations.

You bet! Freelancing on the side while holding down a full-time gig is a savvy move. It’s like testing the freelance waters while keeping your steady paycheck. But, remember, it’s all about juggling like a pro and not biting off more than you can chew. Make sure to check in with your main employer to keep everything above board. With some smart time management and open communication, you can totally nail the freelance hustle while keeping your 9-to-5 intact.
Ready to score more gigs than you can shake a laptop at? Let’s break it down. Start by making some noise – share your wins on socials and let the world know you’re open for business. Next, cosy up to networking. Think virtual hangouts, casual chats, and making connections wherever you go. And don’t forget to keep your Cavalry profile looking sharp! The more you put yourself out there, the more gigs come your way. So, kick back, stay active, and watch those gigs roll in.
Absolutely not! No need to be a master in one niche to kick-start your freelance journey. It all boils down to the project at hand. Some gigs demand specialised talents, so flaunt your expertise where it counts. But being a jack-of-all-trades? That’s valuable too. Many clients love a freelancer who can wear multiple hats. Whether you’re a specialist or have a diverse skill set, there’s definitely a place for you.
Setting your freelance day rate is a bit like balancing a budget – it’s a mix of research, gut instinct, and knowing your worth. While industry standards offer a benchmark (do your research!), also consider the current market dynamics and your own skill level. And don’t forget the type of client and project you’re going for – that might help you determine where to position yourself.
Before diving into a project, it’s good to touch base with the people at the company. Take a look at the brief first to get the lay of the land. Make sure you’re clear on what they need, when they need it, and who you’ll be working with. And of course, don’t hesitate to ask about the basics, like what kind of onboarding they have in store for you. Oh, and it’s always helpful to find out what a homerun looks like to them, so you can aim to hit it out of the park. After all, you want to make sure you’ve got bookings on repeat and glowing reviews, right?

Questions about the cavalry platform
For Companies

Well, if you’re here pondering whether Cavalry is the right fit, chances are you’ve got that insatiable itch to bring in some top-notch freelance talent. Look no further! With over 100 specialisms, a global pool of vetted freelancers, and our nifty AI matching tech, we’ve got all the bells and whistles to make your hiring process a breeze. And hey, with our pay-on-hire model, you can enjoy exploring our sleek platform without spending a dime until you find the perfect match. Still not convinced? Book a demo and see for yourself! Plus, rest assured, we’ve got pricing options to fit every need.

We get it – budgeting is no joke. That’s why we’ve crafted our pricing options to be as flexible as a yogi in downward dog. Whether you’re a one-person show or a multinational conglomerate, we’ve got packages to suit your needs. Our goal is to make your life easier, not just add another line item to your expenses. Check out our pricing page for all the deets, or shoot us a message if you want to chat about a more custom option. We’re all ears and ready to support your goals.

We totally get it – contracts can seem a little binding. But here’s the thing: we’ve designed our plans to be as flexible as possible. With Cavalry Self-Service and Self-Service+, it’s a monthly rolling gig – meaning you can make your exit whenever you’re ready, with no hidden costs or penalty fees. (just give us a heads-up 7 days before your next monthly renewal date). Now, for Cavalry Ultimate, think of it like a 3-month backstage pass – we need a bit of time to fine-tune your setup before we dive into the monthly groove. Feeling the contract jitters? Let’s have a chat. We’re here to ease your mind and cook up a plan that suits you to a T.
First off, we’ve got your back. Our top priority is making sure you’re over the moon with the talent you’ve brought on board. We’re not just throwing spaghetti at the wall here – our freelancers are carefully vetted before they even set foot on the platform. Plus, Cavalry IQ, our AI matchmaking tech, works behind the scenes to pair you with the perfect fit for your project. But hey, we’re all human (except for our AI, of course), so if you’re not 100% happy, drop us a line. We’re here to put things right and help you find your happy place again.

You can add all your freelancers by navigating to the left-hand side of your dashboard > People > Import people > freelancers contractors > Upload CSV file. Anyone uploaded here will then appear in your “people” section as fee-free, ready to book at no cost.

No, it is free to upload your black book of talent and book them through our platform, these will appear with a “fee-free” label. The only time you will pay a fee for these freelancers is if you decide to pay them through our account via invoicing or our payroll services.
Talent Pools are a game-changer for curating specialised teams, mixing talent from our community with your own freelancers or internal crew. The number of Talent Pools you can create varies by pricing plan. With Cavalry Self-Serve, you can set up 1 Talent Pool. Upgrade to Cavalry Self-Serve+ for up to 3 Talent Pools, or go all-in with Cavalry Ultimate, offering unlimited Talent Pool creation.
The platform has an inbuilt message function. You can click on a freelancer’s profile and the message icon to have a message box pop up. You can manage all your communications with freelancers in the “messages” area of your dashboard to keep track of your conversations.

We’re more than happy to provide a demo to show you how the platform works and take you through its main functionalities. If you’re already signed up with Cavalry, reach out anytime via company –

We like to think our platform is user-friendly and easy to use, but if you’re having trouble our team is here to support you. Depending on the pricing plan you have chosen you may also have a certain level of account management to assist. If you’re unsure, reach out anytime via

Questions about the cavalry platform
For Freelancers

Well, if you’re wondering if Cavalry is your jam, let us break it down for you. Our client roster boasts big-name brands and top-notch agencies, so you’ll be rubbing elbows with some serious players. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just dipping your toes into the freelance waters, we’ve got gigs tailored to mid-senior skill sets, director level, and opportunities for junior freelancers too. Plus, we’re not just about the freelance hustle – we’ve got openings for fixed-term contracts and even permanent roles. And guess what? Signing up is completely free! So why not take a spin and see if Cavalry’s got what it takes to level up your freelancing game?

We love simple questions with simple answers: Absolutely nothing. As a freelancer on Cavalry, signing up and using the platform won’t cost you anything. But that probably makes you wonder how we keep the lights on, right? When a company books a freelancer on the platform, we take a small cut. The best part? You don’t see a penny of it – your earnings are all yours. So go ahead, sign up, showcase your skills, and let Cavalry handle the rest – no strings attached.

Yes, you can update your email in your account settings.

We are still working on adding in more job roles, please reach out to us via and let us know what job role you wish to add and we will do our best to add in for you as soon as possible. In the meantime, select a job role that closely resembles your own.

We are working on this, in the meantime, you will need to upload your portfolio pieces in the order that you wish for them to appear.
Once you have completed your profile, adding in your job role and skills, you will be alerted via emails when gigs that are relevant to your industry/skills are posted. You can also view related projects to your skillsets and ALL open gigs on your profile by selecting “View all Projects” on the left-hand side menu.

There are a few ways you can get work on Cavalry:

  1. Receive a gig alert and apply directly by submitting your profile
  2. Be added to a shortlist by a company via a search on the platform
  3. Be approached through the DM by a client or Cavalry team directly by a current or upcoming project you might be suitable for. This is why it’s important to have your profile and availability status up to date to ensure you are not overlooked for our article on creating a strong profile.
No, currently we do not have an app, this is in the pipeline so stay tuned!
Cavalry prides itself on the talent we have within our community and the support team we have that works directly with our freelancers and clients. In fact, our internal team uses freelancers from our platform as does our partner &FRIENDS’ content production team. We also offer transparent pricing options which many of the other players out there don’t do.
No, only companies can see freelancer profiles. Companies can see your profile yet your rate will not be shown unless submitted when applying for projects.
When a freelancer is added to a shortlist for a project, this means the company has found their profile via the platform search and is considering it for a project. The freelancer will get an email that they have been added to a company’s shortlist. From here, a company will reach out via messenger to start the conversation.
Oh please don’t go! But if you must (could you tell us why?): In your account settings you will find an option to remove your account. At any time you can edit your communication preferences or availability status if you will be unavailable or are not currently looking for projects.

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